The value entered for InstallType is not 'Unique', or 'Replica'. The current value is set to 'Unique'. To change this value, update the unattended installation file, and run Setup again.
The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Make sure the object reference ...
The value entered for "Upgrade" is not "Yes" or "Install," which are the only allowed values. The value was ignored and no ...
The value entered for Administrator is not a valid user account. In the unattended setup file, type a valid user account ...
The value entered for ApplicationPartitionsToReplicate does not have correct syntax. In the unattended setup file, type one ...
The value entered for InstallType is not 'Unique', or 'Replica'. The current value is set to 'Unique'. To change this value, ...
The value entered for LocalLDAPPort is in use. In the unattended setup file, type a unique port number in this field, and ...
The value entered for LocalLDAPPort is not 389 or between 1025 and 65535. In the unattended setup file, type a valid port ...
The value entered for LocalLDAPPortToListenOn is not a number. In the unattended setup file, type either 389 or a number ...
The value entered for LocalSSLPort is in use. In the unattended setup file, type a unique value in this field, and then run ...