Examples: To find all OUs in the current domain whose name starts with "ms" and whose description starts with "sales", and display their DNs: dsquery ou domainroot -name ms* -desc sales* To find all OUs in the domain given by dc=microsoft,dc=com and display their DNs: dsquery ou dc=microsoft,dc=com
Examples: To find all computers in the current domain whose name starts with "ms" and whose description starts with "desktop", ...
Examples: To find all connections for server CORPDC1 and show their from-end servers and enabled states. dsquery conn -to ...
Examples: To find all groups in a given OU whose names start with "adm" and display their descriptions. dsquery group ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com ...
Examples: To find all groups in the current domain whose name starts with "ms" and whose description starts with "admin", ...
Examples: To find all OUs in the current domain whose name starts with "ms" and whose description starts with "sales", and ...
Examples: To find all sites in North America with name starting with "north" and display their DNs: dsquery site -name north* ...
Examples: To find all subnets with the network IP address starting with 123.12: dsquery subnet -name 123.12.* To find all ...
Examples: To find all users in a given organizational unit (OU) whose name starts with "jon" and whose account has been disabled ...
Examples: To find all users in a given OU whose names start with "jon" and display their descriptions, type: dsquery user ...