Enter a different port or a custom host header for the portal, or delete the conflicting Web site. Then try the operation again.
Ensure the WinHTTP proxy settings are correctly configured for the communication with WSUS. If WSUS is configured to use ...
Ensure there is a highly available virtual switch connection for the host or remove the network interface card from the virtual ...
Ensure there is a virtual switch connection for the host or remove the network interface card from the virtual machine and ...
Ensure you are using the version of Sysprep binaries that match with virtual machine's Windows version, and then try the ...
Enter a different port or a custom host header for the portal, or delete the conflicting Web site. Then try the operation ...
Enter a MAC address in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or choose to use a dynamic address, and then try the operation again. ...
Enter a valid value for %PROParameter;. You can enter a number or a text string: Turn off PRO tips: "0" or "Off" Receive ...
Enter the computer names of the hosts or host candidates that you want VMM to manage. Each computer name must be on a separate ...
Enter the name of the IP address pool and select the VM network and then the VM subnet to which you want to make the pool ...