The document location is not accessible. To create a (!idspnVisio_NV) PivotDiagram the document must be saved locally or on a file share.
The dates you specified for the axis values can't be used, because the maximum axis value must occur at a later date than ...
The default row height of sheet '{0}' is 0. It will not bepossible to clean this sheet.Would you like to continue processing ...
The destination range is not large enough to accommodate all copied rows. Data below the destination range will be lost. ...
The document is corrupt and cannot be opened. To try and repair it, use the Open and Repair command in the Open dialog box ...
The document location is not accessible. To create a (!idspnVisio_NV) PivotDiagram the document must be saved locally or ...
The document must be a .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, or .xlsb file to create a (!idspnVisio_NV) PivotDiagram. Save the document in ...
The document was saved successfully, but Excel cannot re-open it because of a sharing violation. Please close the document ...
The EffectiveUserName connection string property is an alternative to Windows delegation for allowing users to securely access ...
The Error Tracer encountered existing arrows or a circular reference. Delete all tracer arrows or resolve the circular reference, ...