Delete existing auto apply quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Autoquota Delete /Path:PATH [/Quiet] [/Remote:MACHINE] /Path:PATH Delete auto apply quotas configured on path PATH. The following wildcards are supported: \. - Folder specified by PATH \* - All immediate subfolders of PATH \... - All recursive subfolders under PATH /Quiet Delete auto apply quotas without warning. /Remote:MACHINE Perform the operation on machine MACHINE. Example: Dirquota Autoquota Delete /Path:D:\users /Remote:FILESERVER1
Delegation might work inconsistently because one or more namespace servers are running Windows Server 2003 without Service ...
Delegation privileges for the chosen security principal already exist on this object. Changes will modify the existing privilege. ...
Delegation privileges for the chosen security principal are inherited by this object from one of its parents. You must modify ...
Delete a LUN permanently deletes all data on all volumes on the LUN. This operation results in immediate data loss and cannot ...
Delete existing auto apply quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Autoquota Delete /Path:PATH /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE ...
Delete existing file groups. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Filegroup Delete /Filegroup:FG_NAME /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE ...
Delete existing file screen exceptions. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Exception Delete /Path:PATH /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE ...
Delete existing file screen templates. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Template Delete /Template:TEMPLATE_NAME /Quiet ...
Delete existing file screens. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Screen Delete /Path:PATH /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE /Path:PATH ...