To use QuickTime transitions in your slide presentation, you must have QuickTime version 3.0 or later installed on your system.
To use an Exchange account with Entourage, upgrade to Office 2008 Standard. chid://7082 Learn more about Exchange accounts ...
To use contacts from the Word or Office 2001 Address Book, you must import them to Word X. To start the Office Address Book ...
To use data from your previous version of Entourage, move or copy the Identities folder located in ^0 to the Entourage folder ...
To use multiple chart types, choose the Chart Type command or the chart type group command (for example, Line Group) from ...
To use QuickTime transitions in your slide presentation, you must have QuickTime version 3.0 or later installed on your system. ...
To use the layout of the current chart for all new charts, choose Chart Type on the Chart menu, click the Custom Types tab, ...
To view field codes and results at the same time, split the document window into panes, click Preferences on the Edit menu, ...
To view the unsupported content in the file, you can open the workbook as read-only. However, if you change and then save ...
To view your sheets at different levels of magnification, choose Zoom from the View menu or use the Zoom box on the Standard ...