This action will update the configuration in the out of band management controller. Click OK to update the configuration data in the management controller memory; otherwise, click Cancel.
This action will power off the selected computers. All active sessions will be closed and any users connected to the system ...
This action will re-evaluate the membership rules for the selected collections and might take some time to finish. Are you ...
This action will restart the computer. All active sessions will be closed and any users connected to the computer will lose ...
This action will synchronize mobile device information with the specified Exchange Server. Depending on the number of mobile ...
This action will update the configuration in the out of band management controller. Click OK to update the configuration ...
This administrative category cannot be deleted. The "{0}" administrative category is assigned to one or more objects you ...
This administrative category cannot be renamed. The "{0}" administrative category is assigned to one or more objects you ...
This administrative user is the only remaining user associated with the Full Administrator security role and all built in ...
This application is referenced or superseded by the following deployment types, or contained in the following virtual environments. ...