This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to administer failover clusters. The syntax of this command is: CLUSTER /LIST[:domain-name] CLUSTER [[/CLUSTER:]cluster-name]= /CREATE [/NODE[S]:"node-name[ node-name ...]"] /IPADDR[ESS]: /ADD[NODE] [/NODE[S]:"node-name[ node-name ...]"] /DESTROY [/Y] [/Cleanup[ActiveDirectory]] /SHUTDOWN [/Y] /PROP[ERTIES] [ ] /PRIV[PROPERTIES] [ ] /PROP[ERTIES][:propname[,propname ...] /USEDEFAULT] /PRIV[PROPERTIES][:propname[,propname ...] /USEDEFAULT] /REN[AME]:cluster-name /QUORUM /QUORUM /NODE[MAJORITY] /QUORUM:witness-resource-name /QUORUM:disk-witness-resource-name [/PATH:path] /QUORUM:disk-resource-name [/PATH:path] /DISK[ONLY] /SETFAIL[UREACTIONS][:node-name[,node-name ...]] /LISTNETPRI[ORITY] /[LIST]SHARE[S][: ] /REG[ADMIN]EXT:admin-extension-dll[,admin-extension-dll ...] /UNREG[ADMIN]EXT:admin-extension-dll[,admin-extension-dll ...] /VER[SION] NODE [node-name] node-command GROUP [group-name] group-command RES[OURCE] [resource-name] resource-command {RESOURCETYPE|RESTYPE} [resourcetype-name] resourcetype-command NET[WORK] [network-name] network-command NETINT[ERFACE] [interface-name] interface-command LOG [node-name] log-command Note: The /QUORUM option with switch /DISK[ONLY] is not recommended because the disk is a single point of failure. = IPv4 Address/Subnet Mask: IPv4 Address/Prefix Length: Where /24 = IPv6 Address/Prefix Length: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/nnn = name=value[,value ...][: ] [name=value[,value ...][: ] ...] = BINARY|DWORD|STR[ING]|EXPANDSTR[ING]|MULTISTR[ING]|SECURITY|ULARGE|LARGE|LONG = , [, ]:SECURITY = \ | @ = GRANT|DENY|SET|REVOKE GRANT - adds to trustee's existing access rights DENY - denies for trustee SET - overwrites trustee's existing access rights with REVOKE - removes trustee from security descriptor = F|R|C F - full R - read only C - change CLUSTER /? CLUSTER /HELP
This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell ...
This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell ...
This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell ...
This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell ...
This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell ...
This command-line tool is being deprecated and may not be available in the future. Instead, you can use Windows PowerShell ...
This compatibility fix accepts a command line that tells it to re-copy a file from the CD. Some applications truncate some ...
This compatibility fix addresses issues that may be encountered when an application uses various API calls to verify if the ...
This compatibility fix addresses issues with APIs that may not gracefully handle receiving bad parameters. Currently, this ...