The remote name could not be resolved: '%7'. Please check the connection to the remote server or the proxy setting in the workflow configuration. Subscription ID: %5 Service name: %6 Proxy address: %8 Exception: %9 Workflow name: %2 Instance name: %3 Instance ID: %4 Management group: %1
The Registry Probe could not connect to the registry of the computer '%5'. Error: %6 One or more workflows were affected ...
The Registry Probe could not connect to the registry of the computer '%5'. Error: %6 One or more workflows were affected ...
The Registry Probe successfully re-connected to the registry of the computer '%5'. One or more workflows were affected by ...
The Registry Probe successfully re-connected to the registry of the computer '%5'. One or more workflows were affected by ...
The remote name could not be resolved: '%7'. Please check the connection to the remote server or the proxy setting in the ...
The removal of server {0} failed because it is remotely managing devices and/or computers. From the Agent Management view, ...
The removal of server {0} failed because there are agents reporting to it. From the Agent Management view, you must first ...
The removal of server {0} from the management group completed successfully. If you have not already uninstalled the Gateway ...
The Report Operator profile includes a set of privileges designed for users that need access to Reports. A role based on ...