Standard {0} behavior loads queries to a new worksheet. You can override this setting for a given query using the Load To dialog.
SQLQueryMode' must be set to 'DataKeys' in order to support Tabular Query SQL syntax when using Analysis Services in Tabular ...
Standard behavior loads queries to a new worksheet when loading a single query, and loads multiple queries to the Data Model ...
Standard behavior loads queries to a new worksheet. You can override this setting for a given query using the Load To dialog. ...
Standard {0} behavior loads queries to a new worksheet when loading a single query, and loads multiple queries to the Data ...
Standard {0} behavior loads queries to a new worksheet. You can override this setting for a given query using the Load To ...
Started listening on TCPIP: Status = %1, ComputerName = %2, PhysicalNetBIOSName = %3, ListenOnIP = %4, Port = %5, ProtocolType ...
Starting at position 1, replace 3 rows with a = -1, b = -1 in the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 2, b = 3], a = 3, b = 4], a ...
Stay continuously notified about important data changes with configured threshold-based alerts on KPI, Gauge, and Card tiles. ...
Storage EntityContainer name '{0}' specified in this mapping schema doesn't match with the storage EntityContainer name '{1}' ...