1. One or more protocols (UDP 3544, TCP 443, Protocol 41, Ping Echo and Ping Echo Reply) are blocked on the external adapter. 2. One or more protocols (Protocol 41, TCP, UDP, ICMPv6, all IPv6 connectivity, UDP 500 IKE/AuthIP) are blocked on the internal adapter.
One or more plug-ins reported a failure while attempting to scan for applicable updates on node "{0}". The errors were: {1} ...
One or more process matching criteria are not valid. Ensure that the specified process matching criteria exist and are at ...
One or more property conditions might override or modify the settings on this tab. These conditions are listed, but are not ...
One or more property values for this resource are in conflict with one or more property values associated with its dependent ...
One or more protocols (UDP 3544, TCP 443, Protocol 41, Ping Echo and Ping Echo Reply) are blocked on the external adapter. ...
One or more RD Licensing certificates on the Remote Desktop license server "%1!s!" are corrupted. The Remote Desktop license ...
One or more recipients do not have a fax address. Please check your Address Book and make sure all the recipients have a ...
One or more required services in node {0} is not configured to start automatically when the machine is started. Clustering ...
One or more required services in node {0} is not running. Please start these services before adding this node to a cluster. ...