Lync Server 2013

  1. Startup is pending because the Central Management database is not yet available. Component: %1 Cause: Possible local configuration ...
  2. Step 4: Invalid business hour range, please make sure that both open and close times are specified and that the open time ...
  3. Stopping service Windows Management Instrumentation and its dependent services. Please wait since this can take a while depending ...
  4. Storage Service API failed to add a message to the queue. Add Queue Message failure. %1 Cause: Authentication or authorization ...
  5. Storage Service API failed to cache data blob(s) Put blob data failure. %1 Cause: Authentication or authorization failure, ...
  6. Storage Service API failed to delete data blob(s) Delete blob data failure. %1 Cause: Authentication or authorization failure, ...
  7. Storage Service API failed to delete expired data blob(s) Deleting expired blob data failure. %1 Cause: Authentication or ...
  8. Storage Service API failed to retrieve data blob(s) Get blob data failure. %1 Cause: Authentication or authorization failure, ...
  9. Storage Service API had a notification failure. Notification Failure. %1 Cause: Bad inputs to the API, serialization error, ...
  10. Storage Service API had an execute command failure. Execute Command Failure. %1 Cause: Authorization failure, bad input parameters, ...
  11. Storage Service crashed due to an unhandled exception. Unhandled exception. %1 Cause: Configuration and/or severely unexpected ...
  12. Storage Service definition is removed from topology configuration. The service will be running using the old topology configuration. ...
  13. Storage Service EWS subscription initialization failed. EWS subscription initialization failed. %1 Resolution: Check event ...
  14. Storage Service fabric service or fabric manager had an unhandled exception. Unhandled exception. %1 Cause: Configuration ...
  15. Storage Service failed to stop the Asynchronous Task for a Storage Adaptor. Storage Adaptor=%1 Cause: The stop request would ...
  16. Storage Service Full Flush failed to complete. Proceeding with Pool Failover however unflushed data will be lost. For details, ...
  17. Storage Service had a failure while refreshing its calculation of DB space used. DB Space Used Refresh Error. %1 Cause: The ...
  18. Storage Service had an EWS Autodiscovery failure. %1 Cause: Autodiscovery Uri was not correctly configured or unreachable, ...
  19. Storage Service had an EWS Subscription error. EWS Subscription Error. %1 Cause: There was an error trying to make a subscription ...
  20. Storage Service had an OAuth authentication failure. %1 Cause: Bad input data, configuration, or runtime errors. Resolution: ...
  21. Storage Service had an OAuth Configuration Error. %1 Cause: There is an OAuth Configuration Error. Resolution: Check event ...
  22. Storage Service had an OAuth Issuer Configuration Error. %1 Cause: Likely caused by Lync not being configured with local ...
  23. Storage Service had an OAuth STS Configuration Error %1 Cause: Incorrect configuration of STS used by Storage Service. Resolution: ...
  24. Storage Service had an OAuth STS request failure. %1 Cause: Incorrect configuration of STS used by Storage Service or there ...
  25. Storage Service has stopped expectedly. Cause: The parent service stopped Storage Service. This will happen under normal ...
  26. Storage Service is not primary for any Storage Fabric services. %1 Cause: Storage Service may have restarted or fabric process ...
  27. Storage Service startup is pending as configuration database is not yet available. Cause: Possible local configuration database ...
  28. Storage Service startup is pending as port for Storage Service listener is not yet available. %1 Cause: Storage Service may ...
  29. Storage Service Steady State Flush failed to complete. Please rerun after resolving the errors. For details, see the warnings ...
  30. Storage Service successfully registered with the LYSS database, but a schema or sproc version mismatch was detected. The ...
  31. Storage Service was unable to clean the queue DB for this fabric service id secondary. Attempt to clean DB in preparation ...
  32. Storage Service was unable to fetch a full copy of the queue for this fabric service id. Attempt to begin full copy of data ...
  33. Storage Service {0} End of Poll Loop {1}: Storage Service Flush Operation completed successfully. {2} machines are in FlushCompleted ...
  34. Storage Service {0} End of Poll Loop {1}: Storage Service Flush Operation has failed. FlushCompleted state achieved for {2} ...
  35. Storage Service {0} Start Flush failed for some machines. Success Count: {1}; Failed Count: {2}; Failed Machines: {3}. Will ...
  36. Storage Web Service crashed due to an unhandled exception. Exception Details. %1 Cause: Application error. Please look through ...
  37. Storage Web Service had a failed request. Failure Details. %1 Cause: Transient, authorization or configuration errors. Resolution: ...
  38. Storage Web Service had an error when trying to call Storage Service. Exception Details. %1 Cause: Please look through the ...
  39. Storage Web Service has been unloaded. Cause: Storage Web Service was unloaded. Resolution: If this is not intentional then ...
  40. Store procedure to cleanup meta data for users in a routing group failed. Routing Group: %1. Execution Error: %2 Native Error: ...
  41. Store procedure to cleanup old data for users in a routing group failed. Routing Group: %1. Execution Error: %2 Native Error: ...
  42. Store procedure to compare progress vectors of primary and secondary frontend failed. Execution Error: %1. Native Error: ...
  43. Store procedure to copy data from primary frontend to secondary frontend failed. Routing Group: %1. Execution Error: %2 Native ...
  44. Store procedure to GET progress vector failed. Execution Error: %1. Native Error: %2. Error Details: %3. Cause: This may ...
  45. Store procedure to replicate data from primary frontend to secondary frontend failed. Routing Group: %1. Execution Error: ...
  46. Store procedure to replicate progress vector from primary frontend to secondary frontend failed. Routing Group: %1. Execution ...
  47. Stored procedure execution on the destination pool failed while moving user. (2) User: %1 Destination pool: %2 Error: 3 Cause: ...
  48. Stored procedure execution on the source pool failed while moving user. (1) User: %1 Source Pool: %2 Error: 3 Additional ...
  49. Stored procedure execution on the source pool failed while moving user. (1) User: %1 Source Pool: %2 Error: 3 Additional ...
  50. Stored procedure execution on the source pool failed while moving user. (3) User: %1 Source Pool: %2 Error: 3 Cause: Pool ...
  51. Stored procedure to deactivate conferences failed. Execution Error: %1. Native Error: %2. Error Details: %3. Cause: This ...
  52. Subnets for the corresponding IP addresses are not configured in the network configuration settings, or the subnets are not ...
  53. Successfully initialized Distribution List Expansion Web Service Maximum number of group members to return: %1 Maximum active ...
  54. Successfully recreated application endpoint. Application endpoint with the URI '%1' has been successfully recreated after ...
  55. Successfully updated the Call Detail Recording (CDR) purge settings in the Call Detail Recording (CDR) database. Component: ...
  56. Successfully updated the global user settings in the database. Max devices per user %1, Max subscriptions per user: %2, Max ...
  57. Successfully updated the Quality of Experience (QoE) purge settings in the Quality of Experience (QoE) database. Component: ...
  58. Supplied orbit "{0}" is not valid. The value must match the following pattern: ([\*|#]?[1-9]\d{0,7})|([1-9]\d{0,8}). For ...
  59. Supplied OU '{0}' could not be found or created under '{1}'. Please ensure that you have appropriate rights and verify that ...
  60. Syncing Office Web Apps Server with legacy presenters failed, newer clients may have lost sync for PowerPoint presentations ...
  61. Synthetic Transaction failed because Lync Server Web Conferencing did not complete content upload. Timed out after waiting ...
  62. Synthetic Transaction failed because Lync Server Web Conferencing did not report WAC connectivity. Timed out after waiting ...
  63. Synthetic Transaction failed because Lync Server Web Conferencing failed to bootstrap or could not be allocated. Timed out ...
  64. Synthetic Transaction failed because Lync Server Web Conferencing media session failed to bootstrap. Timed out after waiting ...
  65. tab. Move the mouse pointer over a component in the topology. In the dialog box that appears, enter your configuration data. ...
  66. Target pool {0} has service version {1} while the source pool {2} has service version {3}. UseSqlBackup cannot be specified ...
  67. Temporary files folder is encrypted - %2 . Please use the /TempDir: command line argument to specify a non-encrypted directory. ...
  68. Tenant does not have a valid Lync Server service plan. TenantId: '%1' Cause: Tenant does not have a valid Lync Server service ...
  69. Tenant Id format is wrong. TenantId: '%1' Cause: The tenant id provided in HTTP request is in wrong format. Resolution: Tenant ...
  70. Tenant Id is not provided in HTTP request. Cause: When making calls to our service, tenant id is missing in TenantId custom ...
  71. The "{0}" certificate is required by one or more Lync Server components. Removing this assignment will cause an interruption ...
  72. The %1 Certificate configured for Location Information Service was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: %1 ...
  73. The %1 Certificate configured for LS A/V Edge Server was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: %1 Certificate ...
  74. The %1 Certificate configured for LS Audio/Video Authentication service was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate ...
  75. The %1 Certificate configured for LS Bandwidth Policy Service (Authentication) was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate ...