Office for Mac 2016
- When should animations play?Animations can start after a mouse click, at the same time as the previous animation, or after ...
- When the 'ref' attribute is present the 'type' attribute and the 'complexType', 'simpleType', 'key', 'keyref' and 'unique' ...
- When using ctrX, one of the following constraints must also be specified: l, r, or w. When using ctrY, one of the following ...
- When you add a place your Office documents are just a click away. Office Mobile will be upgraded if you have a subscription. ...
- When you delete a message from an IMAP folder, the message is only marked for deletion. To permanently delete all such marked ...
- When you delete messages from an online POP account, the connection is closed each time in order for the server to honor ...
- When you move a message from an IMAP folder, the original message is marked for deletion. To permanently delete all such ...
- While attempting to save a graphic or set of graphics by using the base file name "|0", a file or set of files with the same ...
- WinMenuMax!Maximize!Enlarge the application window to full size|Not available - the window is zoomed to its maximum size ...
- WinMenuRestore!Restore!Restore the application window to normal size|Not available - the window is not maximized or minimized ...
- Word can't edit this document because it has been digitally protected. Contact the author of this document for assistance. ...
- Word can't open this file type. Open this file on your computer and save it with the newest Office file format, then try ...
- Word couldn't open your document because there was a problem. Some content may be missing. Please open this document on your ...
- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more - Install on 5 PCs or Macs - Edit documents on mobile devices - Additional 20 GB OneDrive ...
- WordArt AlignmentDisplays the WordArt Alignment menu, where you can click the type of alignment you want for the selected ...
- WordArt Character SpacingDisplays the WordArt Character Spacing menu, where you can apply kerning and increase or decrease ...
- WordArt GalleryOpens the WordArt Gallery dialog box, in which you can choose a different WordArt style for the selected WordArt ...
- WordArt Vertical TextStacks the text in the selected WordArt object vertically one letter on top of the other so you can ...
- Words, characters, lines.We count them so you don't have to.FYI: To see the word count at a glance, check out the status ...
- Work with the formula in the current cell. You can easily pick functions to use and get help on how to fill out the input ...
- Would you like to send us information to help improve %@ and other Microsoft products and services? The information sent ...
- Would you like to upgrade your existing accounts from Internet Mail and News now? A copy of the original information will ...
- Would you like to upgrade your existing accounts from your existing Outlook Express Installation now? A copy of the original ...
- Wrap TextWraps text into multiple lines in a cell. The number of wrapped lines is dependent on the width of the column and ...
- Write code that runs as soon as the contents of the selected field begin to be edited and before any changes to the data ...
- Write code that runs when focus in the form is moved from one control to another, even if the contents of the first control ...
- x!Returns the Fisher transformation!is the value for which you want the transformation, a number between -1 and 1, excluding ...
- x!Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function!is the value for which you want to calculate GAMMALN, a positive number! ...
- x!Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function!is the value for which you want to calculate GAMMALN.PRECISE, a positive ...
- x!Returns the value of the density function for a standard normal distribution!is the number for which you want the density ...
- x,alpha,beta,A,B!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2007 and earlier.Returns the cumulative beta probability ...
- x,alpha,beta,cumulative!Returns the gamma distribution!is the value at which you want to evaluate the distribution, a nonnegative ...
- x,alpha,beta,cumulative!Returns the Weibull distribution!is the value at which to evaluate the function, a nonnegative number!is ...
- x,alpha,beta,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the gamma distribution!is ...
- x,alpha,beta,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the Weibull distribution!is ...
- x,alpha,beta,cumulative,A,B!Returns the beta probability distribution function!is the value between A and B at which to evaluate ...
- x,deg_freedom!Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution!is the value at which you want to evaluate ...
- x,deg_freedom!Returns the right-tailed Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is ...
- x,deg_freedom!Returns the two-tailed Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is ...
- x,deg_freedom!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the right-tailed probability ...
- x,deg_freedom,cumulative!Returns the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution!is the value at which you want ...
- x,deg_freedom,cumulative!Returns the left-tailed Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is ...
- x,deg_freedom,tails!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the Student's t-distribution!is ...
- x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2!Returns the (right-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets!is ...
- x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the (right-tailed) ...
- x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2,cumulative!Returns the (left-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two ...
- x,known_y's,known_x's!Calculates, or predicts, a future value along a linear trend by using existing values!is the data point ...
- x,lambda,cumulative!Returns the exponential distribution!is the value of the function, a nonnegative number!is the parameter ...
- x,lambda,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the exponential distribution!is ...
- x,mean,cumulative!Returns the Poisson distribution!is the number of events!is the expected numeric value, a positive number!is ...
- x,mean,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the Poisson distribution!is ...
- x,mean,standard_dev!Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by a mean and standard deviation!is the ...
- x,mean,standard_dev!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the cumulative lognormal ...
- x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative!Returns the lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters ...
- x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative!Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation!is the value ...
- x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2008 and earlier.Returns the normal ...
- x,n!Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)!is the value at which to evaluate the function!is the order of the Bessel function! ...
- x,n!Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)!is the value at which to evaluate the function!is the order of the Bessel ...
- x,n!Returns the modified Bessel function Kn(x)!is the value at which to evaluate the function!is the order of the function! ...
- x,n,m,coefficients!Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula!is the input value to the power series!is the initial ...
- x_num,y_num!Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y- coordinates, in radians between -Pi and Pi, excluding -Pi!is ...
- x_range,prob_range,lower_limit,upper_limit!Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits or equal ...
- y!Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation: if y = FISHER(x), then FISHERINV(y) = x!is the value for which you want ...
- year,month,day!Returns the number that represents the date in Microsoft Excel date-time code!is a number from 1900 to 9999 ...
- You already have a contact named "^0" in your Address Book. Do you want to add the email address "^1" to the existing contact ...
- You already have a subscription associated with this account. Sign in with a different Microsoft account to add an Office ...
- You are about to open &replace00 files. This operation might take several minutes. Do you want to continue to open the files? ...
- You are attempting to put grouped items and property fields in the same dimension. This action is not supported. After clicking ...
- You can link tasks so one can't start until the other has finished.You can also link tasks in other ways, such as a Start-to-Start ...
- You can translate text in your document using Word, the Mini Translator and a number of online translation services.Choose ...
- You can view documents for free but your Office 365 account doesn't allow editing on your device.If you need to create or ...
- You can view documents for free, but this account doesn't allow editing on your device. Contact your organization about your ...
- You can view documents for free, but this account doesn't allow editing on your device. To edit documents you can buy Office ...
- You can view documents for free, but this account doesn't allow editing on your device. To edit documents you can buy Office ...
- You can view documents for free, but this account doesn't allow editing on your iPad.If you need to create or edit documents, ...