Unable to return summary information property '{0}' as a string since the property cannot be converted into a string form.
Unable to retrieve the file from the file system or server. Make sure that the name of the file is correct, and if the file ...
Unable to retrieve the file from the server. Make sure that the name of the file is correct, and if the file is on a server, ...
Unable to retrieve the type library of the object. This error occurs when the Properties collection attempts to retrieve ...
Unable to retry the command. The merge process could not add retry information at the Publisher on tempdb. This may be due ...
Unable to return summary information property '{0}' as a string since the property cannot be converted into a string form. ...
Unable to reuse view '%1!s!' because it was not found. Re-creating all system table views. This is an informational message ...
Unable to route the incoming message. The system database msdb containing routing information is not available. The broker ...
Unable to run SQL*PLUS. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. For ...
Unable to set data type properties for the output column with ID %1!d! on the output with ID %2!d!. The output or column ...