Usage: AdtAgent {-i|-s|-x|-r|-c|-n|-f -?} -i: install as service -s: install as service and start -x: execute in console ...

AdtAgent {-i|-s|-x|-r|-c|-n|-f -?}
    -i: install as service
    -s: install as service and start
    -x: execute in console mode (not as a service)
    -r: stop and uninstall service
    -c: choose client certificate
    -n: don't accept stop requests as a service
    -f:  is a saved security log file (.evt)
            can only be specified in console mode (-x).
    -?: this screen

To run this program in console mode, the -x option
has to be specified. With no options given, the program will
try to start as a service which will fail when started from
the command prompt.