To display the number of records owned by a specific server specified by the version range. Syntax: show reccount [Server=]IP address [[MaxVer=]{high,low}] [[MinVer=]{high,low}] Parameters: Server - IP address of the owner server. MaxVer - Specifies the maximum version of records to show. MinVer - Specifies the minimum version of records to show. Note: Setting MinVer and MaxVer counts the whole range of records. Example: show reccount server= maxver={0,0} minver={0,0} This command shows the total record count for WINS server
To display the Links bar, a handy place to keep your favorite Web sites, click the View menu, point to Toolbars , and then ...
To display the list of authorized servers in the directory service for the current domain. Syntax: show server Notes: This ...
To display the Management Information Base (MIB) information for the current multicast scope. Syntax: show mibinfo Notes: ...
To display the Management Information Base (MIB) information for the current scope. Syntax: show mibinfo Notes: This command ...
To display the number of records owned by a specific server specified by the version range. Syntax: show reccount Server=]IP ...
To display the option values set for a specified reservation address in the scope. Syntax: show reservedoptionvalue user=UserName ...
To display the Owner-to-Highest (version) ID mappings table for the current WINS server. Syntax: show versionmap Note: This ...
To display the status for the current DHCP server. Syntax: show serverstatus Notes: No additional parameters are required. ...
To display the Time-to-Live (TTL) value for use with the current multicast scope. Syntax: show ttl Notes: This command displays ...