Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork in Office 365 for Education. Keep all your content, apps, and conversations together in one place.
Looks like you're offline. This message will be deleted when you are online again. Are you sure you want to delete this message? ...
Make sure you're only linking to sites that start with 'https://' and contain trustworthy web content. That way, you and ...
Manage Skype for Business and Teams user settings. To manage Office 365 user settings (for example, adding or deleting users, ...
Meeting already has {participantsCount} other members in it. Join muted to prevent disrupting the meeting unintentionally. ...
Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork in Office 365 for Education. Keep all your content, apps, and conversations together ...
Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork in Office 365. Keep all your team's chats, meetings, files, and apps together in one ...
Microsoft Teams is now using modern authentication, a better, more secure way to sign in. Once you've signed in again, you ...
Microsoft Teams requires a commercial Office 365 license. Try again with your work email address or sign up for Office 365 ...
Microsoft will use your phone number or email only for this one-time transactional purpose. The information won't be stored. ...