To display the database and records for a partial or complete list of specified owner servers. Syntax: show database [Servers=]{IP addresses} [[RecType=]0|1|2] [Count=]Count] [[Start=]0|1] [[EndChar=]16th character(hex)] [[File=]FileName] Parameters: Servers - A list of the IP addresses of owner servers whose records are to be displayed, separated by commas and enclosed in {brackets}. RecType - Type of record: 0-both (default), 1-static, or 2-dynamic. Count - Number of records of specified RecType wanted. Start - 0-Start from the beginning of the database. 1-Start from the end of the database. EndChar - The 16th character of the records should match the endchar (filter). File - Name of the file in which formatted output is stored. Note: If Servers={}, all records are displayed for all owner servers. Example: show database servers={} rectype=2 count=1000 start=0 endchar=0 file=C:\WINSfiles\output.txt This command outputs the first 1000 dynamic records in the WINS database for the server to the text file output.txt.
To display the current lease duration settings for the multicast scope. Syntax: show lease Notes: This command displays the ...
To display the current multicast scope. Syntax: show mscope Notes: Displays information about the current multicast scope. ...
To display the current Name Protection setting on the server. Syntax: show NameProtection Parameters: 1=Enable 0=Disable ...
To display the current Name Protection setting on the the scope. Syntax: show NameProtection Parameters: 1=Enable 0=Disable ...
To display the database and records for a partial or complete list of specified owner servers. Syntax: show database Servers=]{IP ...
To display the list of authorized servers in the directory service for the current domain. Syntax: show server Notes: This ...
To display the Management Information Base (MIB) information for the current multicast scope. Syntax: show mibinfo Notes: ...
To display the Management Information Base (MIB) information for the current scope. Syntax: show mibinfo Notes: This command ...
To display the number of records owned by a specific server specified by the version range. Syntax: show reccount Server=]IP ...