The followings are some examples on how to specify rights for users. (1) Specifying rights for single user: New-Item -UserGroup ...

The followings are some examples on how to specify rights for users.
(1) Specifying rights for single user: New-Item -UserGroup [email protected] -Right View, Edit, Save.
(2) Specifying one right for each user: New-Item -UserGroup [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] -Right View, Edit, Save.
(3) Specifying each user with different rights: New-Item -UserGroup [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] -Right View, ('Edit', 'Save', 'Export'), ('Edit', 'Reply').
(4) Specifying one set rights for all users:
   $RightSet = 'View', 'Edit', 'Save', 'Print'
   $AllRights = $RightSet * 3
   New-Item -UserGroup [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] -Right $AllRights.
The input for the custom rights follows the same rules above also.