APPX3017: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid processor architecture. Supported values are x86, x64, arm, and neutral.
APPX2002: Cannot find the neutral resource language for the resources for portable library '{0}'. Verify that the portable ...
APPX3012: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid description. It should have up to 2048 characters ...
APPX3014: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid file name. It cannot contain characters , ", ...
APPX3015: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid image file name. It should have extension png, ...
APPX3017: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid processor architecture. Supported values are ...
APPX3018: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} is not a valid display name. It should have up to 256 characters, ...
APPX3020: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must contain only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash, and period. ...
APPX3021: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must contain only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash, underscore, ...
APPX3025: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must be a valid device capability. It can either a GUID or must ...