The BudgetPlanLineActiveView table contains the summarized view of plan document lines for an associated plan header and one or more scenario columns. During budget planning, data is entered into this table against various financial dimensions and used for analysis in various scenarios.
The BudgetPlanElementDefinition table holds the row and column fields' definition. This includes the field names and the ...
The BudgetPlanElementDefinitionTranslation table stores all the translated names and descriptions for the BudgetPlanElementDefinition ...
The BudgetPlanLayoutElement table contains the constraints for each column that will be displayed in a particular budget ...
The BudgetPlanLayoutMapping table contains a layout's elements and the target BudgetPlanLineActiveView table field mapping. ...
The BudgetPlanLineActiveView table contains the summarized view of plan document lines for an associated plan header and ...
The BudgetPlanLineActiveViewDetail table is a junction table between the BudgetPlanLine and BudgetPlanLineActiveView tables. ...
The BudgetPlanLineActiveViewDetailStatus table stores the links to the BudgetPlanLineActiveView records that need their details ...
The BudgetPlanLineBudgetTransactionLineLink table is a relation table between budget plan line and budget transaction table. ...
The BudgetPlanLineHierarchyViewSummaryTmp table is used to hold the summary values for amounts and quantities group by bugdet ...