The identifier name {0} cannot be processed because it is either too similar or identical to the following enumerator names: {1}. Use a more specific identifier name.
The Id property indicates the manufacturer's identifying name of the Win32 CD ROM drive. Example: PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-12CS ...
The identification of the Collection object. When subclassed, the CollectionID property can be overridden to be a Key property. ...
The identifier by which the job object limit setting instance is known. As a Kernel object job object names are case sensitive. ...
The identifier by which the job object security limit setting instance is known. As a Kernel object job object names are ...
The identifier name {0} cannot be processed because it is either too similar or identical to the following enumerator names: ...
The identifying information of the entity (i.e., the instance) generating the error. If this entity is modeled in the CIM ...
The identity name cannot include (Default). You can set the default identity in the Manage Identities dialog by selecting ...
The identity of the remote computer was verified through a connection broker, which was verified by using a server certificate ...
The identity of the remote computer was verified through a connection broker, which was verified by using a server certificate. ...