Usage: WBADMIN START BACKUP [-backupTarget:{TargetVolume | TargetNetworkShare}] [-include:VolumesToInclude] [-allCritical] [-noVerify] [-quiet] Runs a backup immediately using the specified options. When no options are specified and scheduled backup is enabled, runs a backup of the scheduled volumes to the scheduled storage location. -backupTarget Storage location for this backup. Requires drive letter or UNC path to shared network folder. -include Comma delimited list of volume drive letters, volume mount points or GUID based volume names to include in backup. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified. -allCritical Automatically includes all critical volumes, volumes having OS components in the backup. Can be used along with -include option. Should be used only when -backupTarget is specified. -noVerify If specified, backups written to removable media such as DVD will not be verified. By default, backups written to such media will be verified for errors. -quiet Runs the command with no user prompts. Example: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:e: -include:e:,d:\mountpoint,\\?\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\
Usage: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS -backupTarget:{VolumeName | NetworkSharePath} -machine:BackupMachineName Lists details of the ...
Usage: WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} -machine:BackupMachineName ...
Usage: WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} -machine:BackupMachineName ...
Usage: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:{TargetVolume | TargetNetworkShare} -include:VolumesToInclude -allCritical -noVerify ...
Usage: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:{TargetVolume | TargetNetworkShare} -include:VolumesToInclude -allCritical -noVerify ...
Usage: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:{TargetVolume | TargetNetworkShare} -include:VolumesToInclude -allCritical -user:UserName ...
Usage: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -items:VolumesToRecover|AppsToRecover|FilesOrFoldersToRecover -itemtype:{Volume ...
Usage: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -items:VolumesToRecover|AppsToRecover|FilesOrFoldersToRecover -itemtype:{Volume ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} ...