The Samsung In-App Purchase app package installed on the device can't be verified and seems to be invalid. Try reinstalling the app.
The path name for this section is too long. Try to shorten the section name or move the section into a folder with a shorter ...
The path specified for backing up (!idspnAppName) files is invalid. Enter a valid folder location which is not part of any ...
The path specified for the Default Notebook Location is not valid. Enter a valid folder location in the Save and Backup category. ...
The path specified for the Quick Notes section is invalid. Enter a valid file path and make sure that the file has a .one ...
The Samsung In-App Purchase app package installed on the device can't be verified and seems to be invalid. Try reinstalling ...
The screen clipping cannot be saved in (!idspnAppName) because (!idspnAppName) is running with administrator privileges. ...
The section being moved was created in an earlier version of (!idspnOneNote). (!idspnAppName) will make an upgraded copy ...
The section might have been renamed, moved, or deleted on the server. It will be removed from your device. Any pending changes ...
The section was created in an older version of OneNote or there is a problem with the section. OneNote cannot open it or ...