The maximum amount of data that will be moved into the target mailbox. For example, if you specify "500MB" then content will be moved until either there is no more content to move or the mailbox contains 524288000 bytes of data. At the end of the migration, the target mailbox should be not more than approximately 500 megabytes (MB) full. If the target mailbox is smaller than the specified value, the move stops when the mailbox is full.
The mailbox size cannot be adjusted because the user license is not valid. Assign the user a valid license, and then adjust ...
The MailboxQuotaSize value is greater than the allowed mailbox size (0). The allowed mailbox size will be treated as the ...
The Management Agent failed on execution. Error returned is '{0}'. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Online Services ...
The MatchToTarget parameter exposes match to target directory functionality.The MatchToTarget parameter exposes match to ...
The maximum amount of data that will be moved into the target mailbox. For example, if you specify "500MB" then content will ...
The maximum character length for an ID is 64 characters. The length includes the domain name. Enter fewer characters for ...
The maximum number of users that a single CSV file can contain is {0}. Reduce the number of users in your CSV file, or create ...
The MaxMailboxSizeLimit value is greater than the allowed mailbox size (0). The allowed mailbox size will be treated as the ...
The Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed on all machines running the Sign In application. To install the .NET Framework, ...