To check a list of name records against a set of WINS servers. Syntax: check name NameFile=]File name or NameList=]Names ...

To check a list of name records against a set of WINS servers.    Syntax:            check name [NameFile=]File name or [NameList=]Names list           [ServerFile=]File name or [ServerList=]List of server IP          addresses [[InclPartner=]Y]    Parameters:            NameFile       - The name of the file containing the list of                           names.             NameList       - The list of names separated by commas and                           enclosed by {braces}.            ServerFile     - The name of the file with the list of server                           IP addresses.             ServerList     - The list of server IP addresses, separated by                           commas and enclosed by {braces}.            InclPartner    - Use Y or y to include all partners in the                           list of servers. Partners are not included by                           default.     Notes:         Appropriate tags are required for this command. Whenever                 inconsistencies are found, repair is attempted.                  Format for Name in both NameFile and NameList is                Name*16thchar, where Name is the record name and 16thchar                 is the 16th character for the record.                 Name entries in the file are separated by comma or line                 feed or carriage return.    Example:       check name NameFile=D: ames.txt ServerFile=D:\servers.txt                    check name NameList={Name1*03,Name1*00,Name1*20}                           ServerList={,}                  The first example command checks WINS data against the                 Names.txt and Servers.txt files, assuming those files                 to be located in the specified path location (the root                 of drive D).                  The second example command checks the names Name1 with                16th character 03, 00 and 20h respectively against the                servers with IP address and