This version of Office can only open files that have complete SharePoint URLs, which look like this:
This section is using a newer version of the OneNote file format than other sections in this notebook. Click here for file ...
This section or notebook may have been renamed, moved, or deleted. Refresh your notebook list from the Open notebook page. ...
This section or notebook may have been renamed, moved, or deleted. Try to refresh the list of notebooks, then open the notebook ...
This SharePoint server doesn't allow syncing with SharePoint Workspace. For assistance, contact the person who manages this ...
This version of Office can only open files that have complete SharePoint URLs, which look like this: ...
To install the OneNote Clipper, go to on the device you want to clip from and follow ...
To open this notebook:|0(!idspnAppName) must synchronize notebooks that are contained within it. Some of those synchronizations ...
To open your Bookmarks Toolbar: Open the menu -> Customize -> Show/Hide Toolbars -> Bookmarks Toolbar -> Click the green ...
Unable to automatically sign you into (!idspnAppName). Please check your internet connectivity and restart the app. If the ...