Failed post reward point line for the transaction (Company = %1, Transaction ID = %2, Line Number = %3), because the deducted points based on product return cannot be positive.
F1 Invoice,F2 Simplified Invoice,F3 Invoice issued to replace simplified invoices,F4 Invoice summary entry,F5 Imports (DUA),F6 ...
F1 Invoice,F2 Simplified Invoice,F3 Invoice issued to replace simplified invoices,F4 Invoice summary entry,F5 Imports (DUA),F6 ...
Facebook no longer supports keyword searches. New data won't be acquired, but your existing Facebook data will be retained. ...
Facture '%1' was previously created for the original free text invoice being corrected. Cancelling facture %2' is created ...
Failed post reward point line for the transaction (Company = %1, Transaction ID = %2, Line Number = %3), because the deducted ...
Failed post reward point line for the transaction (Company = %1, Transaction ID = %2, Line Number = %3), because the earned ...
Failed post reward point line for the transaction (Company = %1, Transaction ID = %2, Line Number = %3), because the redeemed ...
Failed post reward point line for the transaction (Company = %1, Transaction ID = %2, Line Number = %3), because the refund ...
Failed post reward point line for the transaction (Company = %1, Transaction ID = %2, Line Number = %3), because the transaction ...