Header namespace mismatch in operation {0} from contract {1}:{2}. The header namespace found in the description is {3}. The element namespace deduced by the formatter is {4}. This mismatch can happen if the Namespace specified in XmlElementAttribute or XmlArrayAttribute does not match the namespace specified in the MessageHeaderAttribute or MessageHeaderArrayAttribure or the contract namespace.
Header name mismatch in operation {0} from contract {1}:{2}. The header name found in the description is {3}. The element ...
Header namespace mismatch in member {1} of type {0}. The header namespace found in the description is {2}. The element namespace ...
Header namespace mismatch in member {1} of type {0}. The header namespace found in the description is {2}. The element namespace ...
Header namespace mismatch in operation {0} from contract {1}:{2}. The header namespace found in the description is {3}. The ...
Header namespace mismatch in operation {0} from contract {1}:{2}. The header namespace found in the description is {3}. The ...
Height must be greater than or equal to DrawingAttributes.MinHeight and less than or equal to DrawingAttribute.MaxHeight. ...
Help Improve Setup You can submit anonymous information about your MSDN Library setup experiences to Microsoft. To participate, ...
Help Improve Setup You can submit anonymous information about your Visual Studio setup experiences to Microsoft. To participate, ...
HierarchicalDataBoundControl only accepts data sources that implement IHierarchicalDataSource or IHierarchicalEnumerable. ...