Unable to process table changes because the current user cannot be authenticated by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. Check that: 1. The current user is a NAV user in the database, or 2. {0} is running as administrator, or 3. The current user is an administrator on the computer and UAC is turned off.
Transaction No. %2 is a copy of Transaction No. %1, which has already been set to Send to IC Partner.\Do you also want to ...
Transfer Order,Posted Transfer Shipment,Posted Transfer Receipt,Item Receipt,Item Shipment,Posted Item Receipt,Posted Item ...
Trial Balance is not balanced. To avoid inconsistencies, the Trial Balance must be balanced before starting the process of ...
Unable to import the encryption key. A different encryption key is already registered in the database. Delete the current ...
Unable to process table changes because the current user cannot be authenticated by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. ...
Unable to process table changes because the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment cannot connect to the specified ...
Unable to process table changes because the request cannot be processed by the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance: ...
Unable to process table changes because the {5} cannot connect to the specified {0} instance: Server Name: {1} Server Instance: ...
Unable to update reference to a field or parameter in the following RDLC expression: {0}. The expression contains more than ...