Split one task into two separate parts. Position the pointer on your task bar where you want the split to happen, and then drag the task bar to split it.
Spelling: Make sure that all words are spelled correctly, and that numbers and letters (such as l and 1) are not switched. ...
spell_lang,user_dict,suggest_main_only,ignore_caps,ignore_mixed_digits,ignore_file_names,grmn_use_postreform,kor_combine ...
SPHierarchyDataSourceControl needs an SPWeb in order to work. Please use SPHierarchyDataSourceControl(SPWeb web) and pass ...
SPI (schedule performance index) shows the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled. ...
Split one task into two separate parts. Position the pointer on your task bar where you want the split to happen, and then ...
Split subdocument content into separate documents. All content beyond the insertion point is placed into a new subdocument. ...
Split the current view to display the Resource Form. You can edit details about the resource and see which tasks are assigned ...
Split the current view to display the Task Form. You can edit details about the task, such as resource assignments and predecessors. ...
Split the screen and show the details pane on the lower part of the screen. The details pane shows additional information ...