SQL Server encountered: '%1!s!' resulting from an attempt to read the following: sort run page %2!s!, in file '%3!s!', in database with ID %4!s!. Sort is retrying the read.
SQL Server encountered one or more errors while retrieving the list of databases on '{0}'. The list of databases may not ...
SQL Server encountered one or more errors while retrieving the list of Publishers using Distributor {0} and their publications. ...
SQL Server encountered one or more errors while saving the properties for this Publisher. Open the property dialog box again ...
SQL Server encountered one or more errors while saving the properties for this Subscriber. Open the property dialog box again ...
SQL Server encountered: '%1!s!' resulting from an attempt to read the following: sort run page %2!s!, in file '%3!s!', in ...
SQL Server Enterprise Manager could not be located on this computer. Re-run Setup and make sure it is installed properly ...
SQL Server error %1 has been listed as being non-alertable. Consequently alert '%2' - which would have fired - was not fired. ...
SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting has encountered inconsistent configuration information or has failed on a COM interface. ...
SQL Server Express cannot be installed because this computer is unable to access the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 download ...