The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service has timed out while trying to start and the worker process will generate a Watson report. Diagnostic information will be saved for reference.
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service has now exceeded the configured maximum percentage of total physical memory ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service has received notification that a new Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service has terminated the UM worker process because a control channel couldn't ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging Service has timed out and the UM Worker process has logged troubleshooting information ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service has timed out while trying to start and the worker process will generate ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service is running in %1 mode. There are peers configured in %2 mode. All calls ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service on Mailbox server {0} can't process this request due to version incompatibility. ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service on the Mailbox server answered a diverted call that's using the call answering ...
The Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service on the Mailbox server attempted to translate "%1" into a number that can ...