|9 cannot parse the expression: '|1'.@Click OK to return to the action argument or conditional expression where this expression appears, and then correct the syntax.@@1@@@1
cannot open this file.This file was converted to runtime mode by changing its file name extension to .accdr. This file will ...
cannot open this page because it was created using a newer version of Access. Try opening the page using a newer version ...
Cannot open |0 for exporting data because the database is already in use. Manually process the replies after the database ...
cannot open |1 due to security restrictions.@Security settings restrict access to the file because it is not digitally signed.@2@1@553714138@2 ...
cannot parse the expression: '|1'.@Click OK to return to the action argument or conditional expression where this expression ...
Cannot perform an aggregate function on a multi-valued column when a JOIN clause contains a different multi-valued column. ...
Cannot perform cascading operation. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated. ...
cannot print this PivotTable because its |1 exceed(s) 22.75 inches.@Reduce the |1 by making changes to the formatting or ...
cannot retrieve field properties from the system tables.@This database needs to be repaired. If you click Yes, |9 will open ...