The nominated Exchange server for offline address book '{3}' has been deleted. This will cause offline address book generation to fail. A new server should be nominated for this task. Current server name: {2}.
The New-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet failed because there were too many remote procedure calls to the Internet Information ...
The node {0} is member of a cluster, but currently it does not host a clustered mailbox server. Verification will not be ...
The nominated Exchange server for generating offline address book '{3}' is a front-end. This will cause offline address book ...
The nominated Exchange server for offline address book '{3}' cannot be found in the organization. The server may be missing, ...
The nominated Exchange server for offline address book '{3}' has been deleted. This will cause offline address book generation ...
The nominated Exchange server for processing Recipient Update Service '{3}' is a front-end. This will cause address generation ...
The nominated Exchange server for Recipient Update Service '{3}' cannot be found in the organization. The server may be missing, ...
The nominated Exchange server for Recipient Update Service '{3}' has been deleted. A new server should be nominated to avoid ...
The nominated routing group master for routing group '{3}' has been deleted. This may cause mail flow problems. Server name: ...