You probably have a publication that you use over and over again, something you created to solve a particular problem. You may even find yourself occasionally sending the publication to others in e-mail becausse it is so useful. Now you can share your creative solution with everyone who uses (!idspnPublisher_Short).
You placed a large amount of content on the Clipboard. Do you want this content to be available to other applications after ...
You placed a large amount of data on the Clipboard. Do you want these data to be available to (!idspnOutlook_NV) or other ...
You placed a large amount of data on the Clipboard. Do you want this data to be available to other programs after you quit ...
You previously published this Web site with the name '%s' and the Internet address (URL) '%s'. Click Yes to republish to ...
You probably have a publication that you use over and over again, something you created to solve a particular problem. You ...
You received a more recent update to this meeting. This meeting request is out of date. You cannot respond to this request. ...
You recently submitted documents to {0}. Additional information is required to complete the submission. Follow the link below ...
You referred to a property by a numeric argument that isn't one of the property numbers in the collection.@Check the property ...
You requested an invalid file. The file may be corrupt. Contact the person who created the file and request a new copy.@1@1 ...