Logon to the virtual directory '{0}' failed with the following error: '{1}'. For more information, see the application event log.
LogLocation is not specified. Specify a log location using the "LogLocation" parameter or set the "{1}" value under the registry ...
Logon Failure on database "%4" - Windows account %1; mailbox %2. Error: %3 Client Machine: %5 Client Process: %6 Client ProcessId: ...
Logon Failure on database "%4" - Windows account %1; mailbox %2. Error: %3 Client Machine: %5 Client Process: %6 Client ProcessId: ...
Logon to the specified mail server was unsuccessful because the server returned a temporary error. Please try again later. ...
Logon to the virtual directory '{0}' failed with the following error: '{1}'. For more information, see the application event ...
Logs couldn't be retrieved for your phone. Make sure your phone is synchronizing with Exchange before you start logging again ...
Long Running LDAP Operations/min is the number of LDAP operations made by this process per minute that took longer than the ...
Long Running LDAP Operations/min is the number of LDAP operations on this DC that took longer than the specified threshold ...
Long wait intervals occurred on the mailbox information cache in process %1. The limit of %2 seconds was encountered %3 times. ...