This workbook contains one or more tables or XML maps. All tables and XML maps must be removed from the workbook before it can be shared.
This workbook contains one or more of the following features that are not supported by the selected file format:| To save ...
This workbook contains one or more queries that refresh external data. A malicious user can design a query to access confidential ...
This workbook contains one or more SharePoint lists. To edit these lists without losing pending changes, you must enable ...
This workbook contains one or more SharePoint lists. To use a SharePoint list in this workbook, you must refresh the list ...
This workbook contains one or more tables or XML maps. All tables and XML maps must be removed from the workbook before it ...
This workbook contains one or more tables that have been published to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Server site. The file ...
This workbook contains shapes with formulas referencing cells outside of the row and column limit of the selected file format. ...
This workbook contains worksheets that have even page or first page headers and footers. These page headers and footers cannot ...
This workbook has been password protected with an encryption scheme not available in this region. This workbook cannot be ...