You are about to delete the item from the Excel Services configuration. Press OK to continue with the deletion or Cancel to abort the request.
y!Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation: if y = FISHER(x), then FISHERINV(y) = x!is the value for which you want ...
year,month,day!Returns the number that represents the date in Microsoft Office Excel date-time code!is a number from 1900 ...
You already have specified a custom chart type. To create a different type of chart, click another custom type, or click ...
You are about to delete one or more records. If you click Yes you won't be able to undo this delete operation. Are you sure ...
You are about to delete the item from the Excel Services configuration. Press OK to continue with the deletion or Cancel ...
You are about to sort together columns from multiple external data ranges. If you continue, your column sorting, filtering, ...
You are attempting to create a chart by using a PivotTable report in another workbook. This will result in a static chart ...
You are attempting to create a chart by using a PivotTable report in another workbook. This will result in a static chart ...
You are attempting to put grouped items and property fields in the same dimension. This action is not supported. After clicking ...