Returns a string with the current user's email address. If no email address has been registered for the user, returns Null.
Returns a key setting value form an application's entry in the Windows Registry or (on the Macintosh) information in the ...
Returns a list of key settings and their respective values (originally created with SaveSetting) from an application's entry ...
Returns a specified date with the specified number interval (positive or negative integer) added to a specified date part ...
Returns a String representing the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or file attribute, ...
Returns a string with the current user's email address. If no email address has been registered for the user, returns Null. ...
Returns a Variant of type Integer specifying a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day. ...
Returns a Variant of type Integer specifying a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour. ...
Returns a Variant of type Integer specifying a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute. ...
Returns a Variant of type Integer specifying a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year. ...