We couldn't connect you. It might be because dialing out isn't allowed, the address isn't right, or this person doesn't have permissions on your organization's network. Please contact your support team with this information.
We can't present %1 from the site because it's too large. Please save the file to your computer and then present that copy ...
We can't send "%2" to %1 because of firewall restrictions or network issues. Please try again or contact your support team. ...
We can't sign you in because the server is temporarily unavailable or the sign-in address isn't right. Please check your ...
We can't transfer the file because your computer doesn't have enough space. Try deleting some files, and then ask the sender ...
We couldn't connect you. It might be because dialing out isn't allowed, the address isn't right, or this person doesn't have ...
We couldn't connect your audio. You can try calling in to the meeting using the (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) dial pad or from ...
We couldn't connect your audio. You can try calling in to the meeting using the (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) dial pad or from ...
We couldn't find this sign-in address. Please check it and try again. If the problem continues, please contact your support ...
We couldn't join you to the meeting because the security certificate isn't trusted.For more info, please contact your system ...