The domain you choose will become the part of your email address that comes after the @ symbol. You and your staff will use it to sign in and it's how customers will send you email.
The domain name that you typed is not valid. Domain names must have at least 4 characters, and can include only letters, ...
The domain name you specified is a protected domain name that can't be federated without additional actions. Click on the ...
The domain name {0} you have entered is an internationalized domain name, at this time we don't have support for such domains. ...
The domain wasn't updated because we couldn't communicate with the service. Select Close and try again in a few minutes. ...
The domain you choose will become the part of your email address that comes after the @ symbol. You and your staff will use ...
The domain you specified is {0}. If you want to verify a different domain or you found a typo in the domain name, go back ...
The domain you worked on has been removed from your account, please reset the wizard and select a new domain to continue ...
The domain you worked on has invalid name, please reset the wizard and select a new domain like to continue ...
The domain {0} is already associated with your account. To check if it's ready to work with %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%, close ...