Choose between running all tests or running selected tests. The tests include Inventory tasks, Network tests, Storage tests, and System Configuration tests. Microsoft supports a cluster solution only if the complete configuration (servers, network, and storage) can pass all tests in this wizard. In addition, all hardware components in the cluster solution must be "Certified for Windows Server 2008".
Choose a server authentication certificate suitable for SSL encryption to add to the default site in Internet Information ...
Choose a smaller scale to fit more information on the screen or a larger scale to make text more readable. How do I know ...
Choose a video file or picture The file you have chosen for the background is not a valid picture or video file. Choose another ...
Choose a video file or picture The file you have chosen for the foreground is not a valid picture or video file. Choose another ...
Choose between running all tests or running selected tests. The tests include Inventory tasks, Network tests, Storage tests, ...
Choose the action that you want Windows Defender to display (or apply, if you selected this option in automatic scanning) ...
Choose the computer you want this Snap-in to manage. If you save this console to a file you will be able to use this console ...
Choose the power settings that you want for your computer. The changes you make to the settings on this page apply to all ...
Choose the scratch-out gesture set you want to use. If you are experiencing accidental scratch-outs in Input Panel, you might ...