%1!0.0s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component tried to read or write from the file "%3!.128s!", but access to this file or URL is disallowed because it is located in an invalid subfolder, is not part of the Web, or was disallowed by an administrator.
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component is incorrectly configured. You must provide values for the "Word List to Search (s-index)" ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component references substitution parameter "%3!.192s!", but the parameter is not set for the page ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component references the "%3!.128s!" word list, but this word list does not exist. Note: Your FrontPage ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component references URL "%3!.192s!": an ASP document may not be included within a non-ASP document. ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component tried to read or write from the file "%3!.128s!", but access to this file or URL is disallowed ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.32s! component uses the page "%3!.128s!" as its starting point, but the page is not in the Web or has been ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.64s! component has a parameter "%3!.128s! (%4!.64s!)" with the value "%5!.192s!", but a file cannot be ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.64s! component has a parameter "%3!.128s! (%4!.64s!)" with the value "%5!.192s!", but this GIF file could ...
s!A FrontPage %2!.64s! component has a parameter "%3!.128s! (%4!.64s!)" with the value "%5!.192s!", but this location is ...