While attempting to cancel pending file operations, the following error occurred: '%{Note1/}'%1[: %{External/}%]%[, %{External/}%].
When you take over the refresh schedule for this dataset, you will need to provide credentials for all data sources used ...
When you take over the settings for this dataset, you will need to provide credentials for all data sources used by this ...
When you tap a tile on your iPad, the tile will now open full-screen in focus mode, taking advantage of the entire iPad screen ...
While attempting a file seek operation, the following error occurred for file '%{Note1/}'%1[: %{External/}%]%[, %{External/}%]. ...
While attempting to cancel pending file operations, the following error occurred: '%{Note1/}'%1[: %{External/}%]%[, %{External/}%]. ...
While attempting to read information from disk, a read error occurred for physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}, logical file: ...
While attempting to store a string, a string was found that was larger than the page size selected. The operation cannot ...
While using an INSERT INTO statement to train the '%{structure/}' mining structure, the '%{column/}' nested table column ...
While using an INSERT INTO statement to train the '%{structure/}' mining structure, the '%{column/}' scalar column was bound ...