The per-second rate of messages dropped because the domain of the asserted identity URI is not compatible with the source.
The per-second rate of messages dropped at the external edge because the user is not authorized to communicate with public ...
The per-second rate of messages dropped at the external edge that cannot be routed to a hosting service because the domain ...
The per-second rate of messages dropped at the external with a domain that resolved by DNS SRV to multiple FQDNs that match ...
The per-second rate of messages dropped at the external with an allowed partner domain that resolved by DNS SRV to a FQDN ...
The per-second rate of messages dropped because the domain of the asserted identity URI is not compatible with the source. ...
The per-second rate of messages dropped because the domain of the boss (on-behalf-of) URI is not compatible with the source. ...
The per-second rate of messages dropped because the domain of the Diversion user URI is not compatible with the domain of ...
The per-second rate of messages that could not be routed because the message domain is not configured and does not appear ...
The per-second rate of outbound messages dropped at external edge because the destination domain is internally supported. ...