Displays subscription runtime status. Usage: wecutil { gr | get-subscriptionruntimestatus } SUBSCRIPTION_ID [EVENT_SOURCE [EVENT_SOURCE] ...] SUBSCRIPTION_ID String that uniquely identifies a subscription, specified by thetag of the XML configuration file used to create the subscription EVENT_SOURCE String that identifies a machine serving as a source of events using fully-qualified domain name, NetBIOS name, or an IP address. Example: Display runtime status of subscription named sub1. wecutil gr sub1 Subscription: sub1 RunTimeStatus: Active LastError: 0 ErrorMessage: ErrorTime: 2007-01-01T12:00:00.000 NextRetryTime: LastHeartbeatTime: EventSources: MYSOURCE$ RunTimeStatus: Active LastError: 0 ErrorMessage: ErrorTime: NextRetryTime: LastHeartbeatTime: 2007-01-01T12:15:00.000
Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). NBTSTAT -a RemoteName -A IP ...
Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. NETSTAT -a -b -e -f -n -o -p proto -r -s -x -t interval ...
Displays remote subscription configuration information. Usage: wecutil { gs | get-subscription } SUBSCRIPTION_ID /OPTION:VALUE ...
Displays Start menu shortcuts to partially installed programs in gray text. This setting makes it easier for users to distinguish ...
Displays subscription runtime status. Usage: wecutil { gr | get-subscriptionruntimestatus } SUBSCRIPTION_ID EVENT_SOURCE ...
Displays the amount of time between replications, using the ISTG Keep Alive time stamp. The ISTG Keep Alive time stamp is ...
Displays the attributes of an object. While /showobjmeta displays the number of times the attributes on an object have changed ...
Displays the certificates (used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-based replication) that are loaded on a specified ...
Displays the connection objects for a specified domain controller. The default is local site. SYNTAX /showconn DSA_LIST {serverRDN ...