The DNS server encountered a WINS reverse lookup (WINSR) resource record (RR) without a domain specified for resulting names ...

The DNS server encountered a WINS reverse lookup (WINSR) resource record  (RR) without a domain specified for resulting names in zone file %1 at  line %2.  This field is required for mapping names that are found in WINS  reverse lookup to fully-qualfied DNS domain names.  It is appended to the  NetBIOS computer names resolved by NetBIOS adapter status queries.  Although the DNS server will continue to load, ignoring this RR, it is  recommended that you either correct the WINSR RR or disable  WINS reverse lookup and/or remove the RR from the zone file.  The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.  For more information, see "Using WINS lookup" in the online Help.
English (United States)