Use the master page gallery to store master pages. The master pages in this gallery are available to this site and any sites underneath it.
Use the links in this section to add or remove users, add or remove sites, or navigate to other site administration features. ...
Use the links on this page to configure SharePoint Server components, manage server topology settings, and manage portal ...
Use the links on this page to manage site settings and update your personal information on this Microsoft SharePoint Foundation ...
Use the Manage Resources list to group individual resources as a unit, such as a shared laptop and projector used for presentations. ...
Use the master page gallery to store master pages. The master pages in this gallery are available to this site and any sites ...
Use the My Approval document library to route approval documents with signature collections. It also supports folder management ...
Use the name and organization information below, or enter a different name or organization. If you want to ensure that your ...
Use the Open this task button to mark the task as completed. (If you cannot update this task, you might not have access to ...
Use the Open this task button to mark the task as completed. (If you cannot update this task, you might not have access to ...