This picture contains formatting which cannot be displayed in {webappshort}. Resizing this picture may cause the formatting to be lost. Would you like to continue?
This path is relative to the web application. For example, if your site is http://site_name, and you want the new Web site ...
This path specifies where you have installed the HTML Viewer application. You can use a remote server or the server running ...
This personal address book was created using a version of MSPST.DLL that is not compatible with the version of Microsoft ...
This picture can be compressed so that the file size is reduced without losing visual quality. Do you want to compress the ...
This picture contains formatting which cannot be displayed in {webappshort}. Resizing this picture may cause the formatting ...
This picture is an animated GIF. If it overlaps other objects on the page, it will lose its animation when you publish to ...
This picture is too large. This picture is too large for Publisher to convert. Close other programs and try again. If this ...
This picture might be too large for a border. This picture is %3.2f by %3.2f inches. When Publisher makes it small enough ...
This picture was automatically generated from Vector Markup Language data stored elsewhere in the page. Changes to this picture ...